2023-2024 News and Events
Come and join us at the EVTM rounds tables symspoium, the 9th(!) one, in Sweden. Lots of new and exciting data, discussions and collaboration on hemodynamic instability, bleeding and resuscitation care. https://mkon.nu/evtm_2024
The preliminary program is published in the link above. There will be some modifications as new data comming….
We will als celebrate the 20th edition of JEVTM!
The Journal och EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management is hosted by the Royal Swedish Library (Kungliabiblioteket). https://www.kb.se/
- The next EVTM Symposium will be held at Örebro Univerisity Hospital, 17-19th of October 2024! EVTM workshop will be held on the 16th of October.
- The date for the upcoming EVTM workshop is 16/10 2024, in Örebro, Sweden just before the symspoium. More details under “Workshop”. register by email at hilda@mkon.se
TopStent manual is ready (Printed and PDF) in Portugues. We are working on putting all versions on the site for free.
so, English, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Chinese, Korean are out…. Write to us if you want a copy. Soon, we will start working on TopStent 2.0
After great collaboration with ESTES at the annual meeting in Ljubljana 2023, we hope to continue and expand this work at the next years meeting in Portugal 2024. For more info see the letter from the EVTM President.
We are collaborating with the European Society of Vascular Surgery (ESVS) and hope to increase this collaboration. THe nex annual ESVS meeting will be held in Krakov, Poland. A great please to share and learn on the latest in vascular surgery. https://esvs.org/events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2024/
One of the main targets for the coming year is to work more with other societies, collaborate and expand the scientific work of EVTM. We are also working on several publications in high ranked journals, and of course, in the JEVTM.
Coming up:
Several scientific meetings and congress world-wide.
VEITH in New York, November 2024 with EVTM presentations https://www.veithsymposium.org/index.php
- Workshops in different locations
- Online lectures and ST-EVTM lectures/discussions
- Continuous collaboration with BEST courses in IL
- EVTM implementation world-wide
What’s going on?
The 17th edition of JEVTM is coming out soon! See more on www.jevtm.com main page and journal page. We are proud to be hosted by the Royal Swedish Library (KB).
The JEVTM is Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and Embase indexed! help us improve and contribute with submissions!
Landmark articles collection available for all
The popular printed edition EVTM Landmark Articles – Past, Present and Future Perspectives is now available for free download (pdf). Highlighting landmark article you should know on EndoVacular resuscitation and Trauma Management, with summary of main points.
General information:
The EVTM activities are all done and run by the EVTM team in Örebro University Hospital and the EVTM Society (See under society section). The PAN AMERICAN EVTM is a branch of the EVTM platform, within the EVTM Society, and aims to collaborate in South and North America around EVTM activities. We welcome professionals with interest to join us!
All EVTM activities are non-profit based and we aim at good science, collaboration and clinical care.
Why EVTM workshops and not other courses? Because the EVTM workshop is a collaboration, by the gathering of highly experienced people with a common goal: to share and develop together endovascular and hybrid bleeding control and resuscitation! Learning from others, and not only trauma, in a unique platform that does not exist elsewhere. REBOA courses might be good, but EVTM is much more than that. Bleeding control, resuscitation, endo and hybrid methods and more!
Some “older” News? yes, many things going on at the moment. So, recently we had a great (3rd) Pan American EVTM conference in Baltimore, USA on 13-14 November, 2022. We emphasized active participation in discussions, panels, debates and oral presentations.
The symposium was arranged by the SHOCK AND TRAUMA Baltimore team under Prof Scalea, and Dr Kundi and Fox. Who was there? Vascular, trauma, ICU, IR, surgeons and pre hospital medical teams that are interested in NEW AND ESTABLISHED ways to resuscitate, stop bleeding and treat hemodynamic instability in trauma and non trauma!
There is no other platform for this important medical field. The talks where short, and we put effort and time for good discussions and debate.
-We will soon also announce the international fellowship program of EVTM and other platforms. Details TBA. We welcome fellows to Örebro University Hospital for short periods of vascular and EVTM fellowships. Details by contact with us.
The current situation with the war in Ukraine is affecting us all and our hearts with the people and their suffering. We are initiating the “EVTM without borders’ ‘ program and looking for ways to help in any way we can using our contacts world-wide. We do believe that we can help save lives. We at the EVTM society and JEVTM will be happy to get people involved. Direct contact: tal.horer@regionorebrolan.se
“No more war, no more bloodshed”!
Another EVTM collaboration done recently in Italy, July 2022 and in 2023 in Israel. EVTM meeting was arranged in Milano, Italy January 2023. More info here and on Social media.
rAAA/rTAA workshops worldwide will be available soon as well. a unique way to learn and share how to do ENDOVASCULAR and hybrid rupture repair. We deliver a platform to build this capacity, center related. Contact us for details.
Interested in doing an EVTM workshop locally? Our “EVTM without borders” team can help do it in YOUR hospital! Low budget, based on good intentions and working together in a multidisciplinary fashion, we can help you! Contact us and the rest is simple! tal.horer@regionorebrolan.se
Other news:
Another successful workshop on rAAA in Carmel Hospital, Haifa, Israel. Good case discussions. several other workshops done and planned coming months in Israel, Greece, Italy and other locations. There are some plans to have it in other locations.
Thank you all for the great #EVTM hot topics 2021. With around 150 people in place, and many more online and on Youtube EVTM channel, we felt the discussions, debate and scientific level was outstanding. No replacement for the F2F meeting! The event was filmed and available on jevtm.com and youtube EVTM channel.
Several new studies and data presented and debated, as well as new methods in bleeding control and resuscitation.
A new society president was elected for the EVTM society (Dr Boris Kessel, IL) and Vice president (Dr Charles Fox, USA). Now working on the society details and expanding.
We would like to thank all partners for the support! https://mkon.nu/evtm2021/our_sponsors__exhibitors
We would like to report a very successful EVTM workshop with 25 participants. More info on the upcoming workshops TBA. We are working on several EVTM workshops, both online and in-place.
The JEVTM is Scopus Embase and Web-Of-Science indexed
EVTM was presented in several talks during the Veith Symposium, USA. More to come next year in NYC 2022.
EVTM was presented recently in several vascular, trauma, ICU and IR meetings. We will join the Veith symposium as others in 2022. We will take part in many other meetings and work on establishing good collaboration with many societies.
Top Stent in Italian is ready and available via email request as well as Korean, Spanish, Russian and of course English. Franch, Arabic, Portuguese and others will soon follow!
Top Stent Arabic is available as well (email us!)
Upcoming Events.
- Mini EVTM virtual workshop multi-center collaboration. We are now conducting 1-1 centers workshops to bring EVTM and its tools to specific locations. Short, productive and live. Stay tuned for further dates. The next mini-workshops will be dedicated per center in several countries.
- Virtual meetings and congresses ongoing and EVTM issues presented at multiple meetings. Collaboration with the ESVS, ESTES/ECTES, Veith, CharingCross, Endovascology and different other societies is increasing.
- Many ongoing publications on both basic science and clinical data. Collaboration expanding in a multi-center manner.
- Several textbooks now include the EVTM – The DSTC manual, RICH vascular trauma 4th edition, EVTM textbook, Top Stent manual, Best EVTM articles (Coming Sept 2021) and several more. Ongoing “bail outs” manual TBA soon.
- Follow us in all major vascular, trauma, IR and ICU as military meetings. If we are not there yet, we will be there soon!
Mini-EVTM Virtual Workshop
The aim of this live virtual workshop is to stimulate discussion, mutual learning while practicing EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management (EVTM) using a multidisciplinary team approach. Several virtual workshops were conducted via Zoom by the EVTM team in Örebro and became a huge success. Other centers were encouraged to participate and share experience to explore different methods for resuscitation, bleeding control and trauma management.
If you /your center is interested in a mini-EVTM live tissue virtual workshop, contact either: tal.horer@regionorebrolan.se david.mcgreevy@regionorebrolan.se
EVTM Newsletter
Download the pdf for a summary of the latest developments in the EVTM field.
Call for submissions
The Journal of EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management is expanding. We are interested in high quality research and clinical data and cases in the area of bleeding control, resusc, trauma and endo/hybrid. Join us with the moto of “no ego, just good science and collaboration”. JEVTM is SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE indexed and we are applying to Pubmed this year.
Follow us on social media
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The EVTM Textbook
This book focuses on endovascular methods for resuscitation and trauma management. Written by highly qualified and clinically active physicians from around the world, it shares information gathered over the past decade, providing a comprehensive database of clinical...
The EVTM App, including the new REBOA Timer, has been released for both Android and iPhone users. An alternative platform for communicating upcoming events, read JEVTM articles and Top Stent, listen to Podcasts, Tips & Tricks, Photos & Videos and discuss EVTM related issues with others through Open Forum. UNDER re-construction/TBA!